Charlie Sheen plays a therapist with more troubles than some of his patients. Among them: a difficult relationship with his father, Charlie Sheen told "Access Hollywood."
"We're going to find out this guy does have major issues with his pop and when that character does finally show up, it will be my dad," he said.
The casting reflects improved relations between Sheen and his father, who last year lamented his son's long fight with drugs and alcohol. After the elder Sheen compared his son's drug and drinking troubles to cancer, Charlie Sheen said in a February 2011 interview with Radar, "Jeez, dad ... shut it!"
Sheen subsequently took and passed several drug tests to prove his sobriety, and of the current status of his relationship with his dad, he told "Access Hollywood," "We're pretty cool."
This isn't the first time Martin Sheen has played Charlie Sheen's dad on-screen: He played Carl Fox, the hardworking father of Sheen's Bud Fox, in Oliver Stone's 1987 film "Wall Street."
Sheen also said his "Anger Management" character, Charlie Goodson, is a former ballplayer who had anger issues during his career, and then went back to school to become a therapist. "He's a guy (who has) a bit of a percolation underneath the surface."
"Anger Management" premieres on FX on June 28.
(Editing by Andrea Burzynski)